You are wondering what your users really think about your product? Just ask them directly – via our in app push surveys!
You are wondering what your users really think about your product? Just ask them directly – via our in app push surveys!
Go where you really get a hold of your users – in your app!
Improving your app or product is hard. You want to tackle the relevant obstacles right from the start. No problem, we got you covered.
With our survey service you are now able to find out directly what’s on your customers mind. Just ask your customers what they really think at the place where you really get a hold of them – in your app!
Asking the relevant questions is the first step to success
A lot of factors are influencing your users behavior. To find out for certain what will really make your users come back is hard to tell. If you are only looking at numbers you might miss the one important factor relevant for success.
Just start asking the right questions, in the right environment at the right time! Start acting super customer-oriented by asking directly if your users desire a new layout, a better design, a new gadget, an improved sign up process or any other feature on your mind. Customize your survey and maximize your success.